What Would You Do if You Could Fly?

By Kim

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It has always been mankind’s wish to possess the ability of flight.  I mean, who would not want the power to soar through the skies like a majestic eagle?  

If I could fly, I could go from one place to another free of cost.  No need to spend money to refuel my car all the time; the ability to fly means that I wouldn’t even need a car.  Besides, I could do a small favour by not polluting the environment anymore.  Flying would be faster, too.  I would never be late for school, an appointment or any other meeting ever again. 

If I could fly, I would be able to travel the world on my own and explore unknown places.  I could fly through the Grand Canyon, fly around the Eiffel Tower, visit the Pyramids of Giza, fly over the plains of the Serengeti and observe all the animals from above.  I could go anywhere my little heart desires without having to go through the hassle of airport security. 

If I could fly, I would soar up high above the clouds and enjoy the breathtaking scenery below.  I would join the V formation of a migrating flock of birds.  The gift of flight would allow me to glide over the vast ocean and watch the rolling waves below.  There would be no boundaries to where I could go. 

If I could fly, I would love to play little pranks on the people around me.  I could dress up as Superman and fly across the sky, much to the amazement of the pedestrians below.  I could fly up next to a plane and just wave at the passengers on board.  Imagine the stunned face of the pilot to see me waving at him as he flies the aeroplane through the clouds.

If I could fly, I would be the luckiest person in the world.  Just imagine what I could do with my newfound ability. The sky’s the limit!

About Katherine

Just a female who has time to do a bit of pondering and musing. Otherwise, I am on an interesting journey down the path being a senior citizen.
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