A Guide Dog

Collie - Wikipedia

Dogo was a Collie. Smart, good-natured and brave, he had all the three prerequisite qualities of a first-rate guide dog.  As such, he had gone into training with the Guide Dog Foundation at eight weeks old.

After graduating from the training academy, Dogo was successfully paired with Jessica Banks, a middle-aged lady who was born blind.  Owner and dog quickly bonded and never parted company from day one.

Dogo adapted to his new owner’s cosy home and peaceful life without any fuss.  She treated him like her own child and let him sleep in her bed.  Dogo was truly a blessing to Jessica’s solitary existence. Every morning, she took him to the meadow when the weather permitted.  Dogo could run about wildly and how he loved those romps!

Jessica had a night job.  She sang at a local pub for a living.  The lady and her “seeing eyes” normally set out from the house at 6 p.m.  Dogo led his beloved mistress carefully along the pavements and across the roads until they safely arrived at her workplace.  There, Jessica headed straight for the piano while Dogo enjoyed the loving pats from Jessica’s workmates.  Everyone was his fan!  He was a star in his own right.

By 7 pm, the patrons trickled in steadily for a bite or a drink.  An hour later, the pub was quite crowded and lively.  Regulars came to hear Jessica who was actually an accomplished pianist, play and sing.  Dogo took his place dutifully beside the piano, and barked enthusiastically whenever the audience applauded. 

Jessica’s night shift ended at 9.30 p.m.  Again, the Collie led his lady home safe and sound.  If the weather was bad, one of Jessica’s regular customers offered to drive them home.  Jessica counted herself lucky to have such good people and Dogo in her life.

About Katherine

Just a female who has time to do a bit of pondering and musing. Otherwise, I am on an interesting journey down the path being a senior citizen.
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