From Rags to Riches

By Max

Image result for beggar

Noah was middle class. He had a job and a place to live.  Life was decent enough, but it all went downhill when a deadly infection started to spread in his community and the authorities had to put the city under extended lockdown. Three months into the lockdown, the company he worked for folded and as a result, he lost his job.

Noah became homeless after a few weeks of unemployment. He didn’t have any savings to dip into and thus, had no money to pay rent, and his heartless landlord evicted him. Noah had no choice but to live on the streets. His new bed was a few pieces of cardboard that he had found in a dumpster. He felt utterly depressed and miserable.

Noah’s life changed after a young man provided some assistance to help him get back on his feet. He gave Noah a tidy sum of money and some food. Noah thanked the man profusely.

Noah decided to use the windfall to start his own business. His business venture was so successful that it eventually grew into one of the biggest corporations in the world.  The vagrant had become a prominent businessman. 

Noah would never forget his stroke of luck. He  made a vow to pay it forward and use his influence to garner support for a charitable organisation that he had founded to help the homeless and the needy. fHe staunchly believed that without his kind benefactor, he could not have gotten back on his feet.  One person’s act of kindness had positively changed the course of his life.

About Katherine

Just a female who has time to do a bit of pondering and musing. Otherwise, I am on an interesting journey down the path being a senior citizen.
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