What is your opinion of cheating in examinations?


Whether it’s peeking at the test paper of the person beside you, or bringing a cheat sheet with you into the examination room, students these days have come up with more and more creative ways to obtain higher scores in exams.  Regardless of their teachers’ warnings about punishments for cheaters, the statistics of cheating has only skyrocketed, especially during the Covid pandemic.

Even the Internet is full of websites that teach students ways to cheat in examinations.  From using a mobile phone to hiding cheat sheets in their clothes and  erasers, and  even writing answers on their fingernails.  With the help of technology, the number of cheaters has only increased, and they are only getting more and more ingenious.  

To counteract these resourceful cheaters, some teachers have come up with their own clever ways to prevent cheating.  Take for example, a teacher in the Philippines made students create their own “anti-cheating hats” to prevent them from peeking at other students’ papers during the exam.  Other teachers create questions that have various ways of solving.

But why do students turn to cheating to get through their examinations?  Some students cheat because they have poor study skills and are unable to keep up with what’s being taught.  Other students cheat because of the pressure from their parents or teachers to do well in school.  

In my humble opinion, cheating is never a good idea.  It causes stress to the cheaters and is unfair to the other students, and if cheaters get caught, they will be deemed untrustworthy and dishonest.  Why waste time trying to come up with a foolproof plan to cheat in examinations when we can spend that time studying for the exam?  

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What are your thoughts on the arrests of the husbands of child brides in Assam? 


When I first heard of the practice of child marriages, I was appalled that this practice is still being practised in several parts of the world.  However, a recent news article, published by BBC News reported the anguish of women in Assam whose husbands were arrested in a crackdown of child marriages, has completely changed my perspective on the topic.  

Turns out, I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.  On the surface, child marriages seem like a barbaric practice.  Parents marry off their young daughters to pay for food and other necessities with no regard to their children’s future.  By marrying off their children in exchange for money, parents jeopardise their children’s health, education and well-being.  

However, as seen in the recent news article, many women subjected to child marriages are not as bad off as I had assumed.  In the article, women whose husbands had been taken into custody were shown to be crying, begging the police to let their husbands go.  According to them, their husbands were their only source of income for their family, and they had no one to turn to.  

Before the article was published, I held the misconception that all brides of child marriages in general, are constantly mistreated and abused by their husbands.  Now, having read the article, I understand how wrong I was.  I believe that the state government could have tackled the issue of child marriages in a different manner.  Perhaps they should have consulted the women involved in the child marriages before going to such extreme measures.  Arrests should only be made if the brides are in need of a rescue.

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What are your thoughts on the arrests of the husbands of child brides in Assam?


In my opinion, the arrests of the husbands of child brides in Assam is unfortunate and unfair to families who are enjoying marital bliss.

Most people hold a stereotyped belief that child brides are abused by their older or elderly husbands.  This belief is further stirred up by the media when reporting on child marriages.

However, some mariages do work out well; the child brides and their husbands have formed a close bond and care for each other deeply. Some young wives openly declare that they feel loved by their husbands who work hard to bring home the dough.

But wedded bliss was disrupted when the Assam government took its stance against child marriages by carrying out mass arrests of the groom across the state.  Over 1,800 people had been arrested as of 3rd February 2023.

The arrests have grave repercussions for the families.  Most wives end up in financial straits after the grooms are arrested as the latter are the sole breadwinners of the family.  Since the wives don’t work, they are highly dependent on their spouses financially.  With their husbands in jail, the women are economically helpless, especially if they are pregnant, have a child or children.

Although arresting the husbands of child brides is one of the keys to prevent child marriages, it is also necessary to consider the plight of the young wives who have already started a family with their husbands.  Should imprisonment drag out indefinitely, many families will go into poverty, and the mothers and their children will go hungry.

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My Grandmother


I am very blessed to have an amazing grandmother.  Let me introduce to you my grandmother.  She is 60 years old but she doesn’t look 60 at all; she is forever young at heart too.  

Grandma is an expert at cooking.  She not only cooks many different types of dishes but also comes up with new recipes regularly for us to savour.  Grandma’s food always tastes better and different from the restaurants.  Whenever we are craving a particular dish, we tell her about it, and naturally, we get to eat the cuisine in the next meal. 

My grandmother is a huge supporter of mine.  Whenever I have to make a decision, she is always the first one to back me up, give me advice and tell me to go for it.  She supports me no matter how my decisions turn out in the end. 

Grandma is a good listener.  Whenever I need a listening ear, I always go to her.  I treasure her nuggets of wisdom which always help me to think through my problems and troubles; she tells me that there are many paths to take in life, and I will eventually find the right path.  

To me, Grandma is the best grandmother in the entire world.  I am so grateful to have such a loving and wonderful grandmother like her.  She is an awesome person who supports me through thick and thin and brings a lot of love and joy into my life.  I look forward to making more great memories with her.

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What is your opinion of the government’s attempt to eliminate the usage of single-use plastic bags?


Undoubtedly, plastic bags give us great convenience, but it comes at a price.  With the environment on the line, the Malaysian government has come up with the idea to eliminate the usage of single-use plastic bags.  However, even though the government has been trying to eliminate the usage of plastic bags for several years, plastic bags are used pretty much by everyone everywhere in Malaysia.  

The intention of the government’s attempt to eliminate single-use plastic bags is very simple to understand.  It is to remove plastic waste and prevent plastic pollution.  The most pressing issue of plastic, however, is the water pollution.  As a student, I have watched many videos on how plastic pollution is affecting marine life.  Marine creatures often mistake plastic for food and start feasting on them, leading to indigestion and eventually, death.  Plastic waste also accumulates on the seafloor, disrupting the habitats of marine animals, which in turn impacts the entire ocean ecosystem.

Nonetheless, it is also clear why some people do not agree with the motion to eliminate plastic bags.  For one, the convenience – plastic bags are the go-to option for shoppers to carry groceries and other purchases.  It is also very cheap and hygienic.  Moreover, households can reuse the plastic bags to line trash cans.  

In my opinion, the government has the right idea, but the ban of single-use plastic bags calls for stronger law enforcement.  Right now, many people would rather pay the 20-sen charge for plastic bags than carry a big shopping bag around.  20 cents isn’t exactly a hefty sum of money.  I believe that the onus is on the people.  People should be more concerned about the state of the environment and play their part in preventing plastic pollution.  

In the news: Plastic bag usage still high in Malaysia

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What is your opinion of the government’s attempt to eliminate the usage of single-use plastic bags by 2025?


In my opinion, the government’s attempt to eliminate the usage of single-use plastic bags by 2025 could well be an uphill battle although it is an excellent method to tackle the threatening issue of plastic pollution.

The one-piece polyethylene shopping bag was invented by the Swedish company Celloplast in 1965.  However, it was only in the 1980s that single-use plastic bags entirely replaced paper bags.  I, for one, grew up coming home with plastic bags from supermarkets and shops.  I find plastic bags very convenient as they are lightweight and don’t tear as easily as paper bags.

However, all good things come with a price.  In this case, the price is plastic pollution, which has devastating effects, especially on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.  According to a recent article from the Sun Daily, Each Malaysian on average uses 300 plastic bags a year, and I happen to belong to that number.  On the other hand, the BBC News reports that more than 171 trillion pieces of plastic are now estimated to be floating in the world’s oceans, causing marine animals like turtles and fish to ingest plastic debris, get entangled or suffocate.

To combat the menacing environmental threat, the Malaysian government set an ambitious goal in 2018 to eliminate single-use plastic bags.  However, after five years, Malaysians fail to cooperate with the government’s efforts as many, including me, are willing to fork out 20 sen for a bag.

The reason that a lot of people still pay for the plastic bags is because to them, 20 sen is not pricey enough.  Moreover, most households recycle the single-use plastic bags for food waste or rubbish.

In essence, the government’s attempt to eliminate the usage of single-use plastic by 2025 is debatable.  Malaysians have developed an almost shatterproof expectation  of expecting the retailers to supply them with plastic bags for purchases.  What the government could do is simply order the shops to stop supplying shoppers with plastic bags like they ordered the eateries to stop using plastic straws by 1 January, 2020.  The solution is actually very simple, so why does Malaysia need to give her citizens a grace period of seven years to stop using single-use plastic bags?

In the news: Plastic bag usage still high in Malaysia

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Do you prefer to study in a conventional school or a forest school? Why?


I would love to study in a forest school for a year or two.  Growing up in a city, I never really had the chance to interact with nature when I was younger.  Therefore, I would love to spend one or two years studying while surrounded by the lush green trees and small animals of the forest.  

First of all, I am a visual learner.  Forest schools allow me to get up close and personal with the plants or animals that I am learning about.  I would be able to have hands-on experience of the flora and fauna.  

I prefer to study while being able to roam around freely, not bound to a chair and a desk, and having to listen to a teacher talk all day.  Forest schools would allow me to spend my day outside, playing with the other students, and learning the names of all the plants and animals, while encouraging the development of practical life skills such as problem-solving, first-aid, independence and teamwork.  

However, forest schools come with their own set of challenges.  Living in a hot and humid country like Malaysia, the weather is a huge challenge.  Not only is the sun unbearably hot on some days, Malaysia is also prone to rainfall, making forest schools impractical.  The forest is also home to a lot of mosquitoes.  I would be eaten alive by the pesky bugs before I even learned anything.  

I believe that forest schools are a legitimate way of schooling young children.  I myself would love to have fun climbing trees, jumping in puddles, learning about all the plants and animals in the forest.  However, I do think that forest schools are only suitable for younger children.  I do not think I would possess the skills to get on with life if I were to study exclusively in a forest school.  

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A Day in the Life of a Farmer



Waking up to the sound of a rooster’s crow, I reluctantly roll out of the comfort of my bed.  It’s another day of work on the farm and getting drenched in sweat while toiling under the scorching sun.  

Life on the farm isn’t as routine as some might think.  There is always something different to do every day.  Some days, I am very busy, running all over the farm cleaning out the sheds, tending to the animals, and harvesting the crops.  On other days, I take it easy with only the animals to take care of.  

On this farm, I rear chickens and cows.  I start the day by feeding each animal their respective meals.  Then, I make my rounds, checking to see if there are any eggs in the chicken coop, milking the cows, or if there is a sick animal on the farm that needs tending to.

Unfortunately for me, today is one of the busier days. The field is my next stop as it is sowing day. I hop onto the tractor with a planter attached to the back, and simply drive through the already ploughed field ahead of me.  It is so much easier to work on this farm with the help of modern farming machineries.  I cannot imagine having to sow all those seeds manually.

After making sure that everything is in order, I head back home.  Nothing can compare to the comfort of home after a long day at work.  Life on this farm is tiring hard work.  Having said that, I truly enjoy working on this farm every day.  

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What Makes You Upset?


To be honest, I do not get upset easily.  Normally, when I am facing an unfavourable situation, I try to stay calm, yet there are a few things I can’t tolerate. 

Being blamed for something I haven’t done upsets me greatly.  When my friends talk in class, I usually don’t join in their conversation.  I just sit with them and listen, but the teacher always calls out my name and asks me to stand up before asking me why I am talking in class.  If I try to explain, she thinks that I am making excuses.  I always get scolded by the teacher while the culprits get off scot free.  It’s so unfair!  This teacher must really hate me! 

It is very upsetting when people, especially my close friends or my family, lie to me. Even if it is a white lie, I don’t get the point of lying.  I would rather have people tell me the truth.  I also don’t like people breaking their promises.  If you can’t keep your word, just don’t make me any promises.  

Being ignored annoys me.  It is not a good feeling at all.  In fact, it puts me in a bad mood.  I sometimes try to start a conversation with fellow learners in the tuition class.  They ignore me and do not give me any eye contact.  I don’t know if I speak too softly, or if they don’t want to talk to me.  Getting a cold shoulder makes me cranky all day long.  

I believe it is okay to feel upset as all humans have emotions.  But when we feel really emotional, just don’t do silly things which we might regret for the rest of our lives.  

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What kind of weather do you prefer best?


I enjoy rainy weather. I find it peaceful when it is raining, especially at night when I am about to go to bed. Normally, it is quite hot at bedtime, so I can sleep better when the temperature cools down after a bout of rain. The pattering of raindrops is comforting; it relaxes and lulls me into dreamland.

My mother constantly asks me to water her plants. On a rainy day, I can just let the sky do the task of watering the plants. I don’t have to listen to her constant nagging about the plants wilting. This frees up my time to do an endless pile of homework.

I don’t have to turn on the air-conditioner on a rainy day. I open the window and let the cool breeze come in. The rhythm of the falling rain brings a sense of serenity and helps me concentrate on finishing my never-ending pile of work faster. 

There was once, the rain was too heavy and caused a flood in my neighbourhood. It was so bad that a couple of crocodiles were spotted. Seeing a crocodile up close was definitely more exciting than watching crocodiles on telivision. Plus, I got to stay at home and skip an activity which I disliked held at school that day; the flood was my one-way ticket out.

After the rain, the air is cool, crisp and clean. Sometimes, I even get to see a rainbow, so I really love the rain – it’s my favourite weather!

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